CNERG: Supporting internationally educated health care workers

Linda Sheiban Taucar, Centre for Health Care Research & Innovation
With Canada facing a projected shortage of 33,000 nurses and personal support workers by 2027, internationally educated health care professionals can play a key role in filling this gap. However, many newcomers encounter challenges when transitioning to the Canadian health care system. This research examined the experiences of internationally educated nursing (IEN) and PSW students at Conestoga College, as well as insights from industry stakeholders, faculty, and hiring managers, to identify strategies for improving onboarding and workplace support.
Through interviews with participants, including IEN graduates, faculty, and industry leaders, the study explored key themes such as transition to practice, professional challenges, and policy barriers. The findings will help shape tailored support strategies, including improved onboarding resources and workplace training programs. The research team is now pursuing additional funding to expand this study into a longitudinal project, further strengthening pathways for internationally trained health care workers to succeed in Canada.