CNERG: Supporting internationally educated health care workers
This research examined the experiences of internationally educated nursing and personal support worker students at Conestoga College, as well as insights from industry stakeholders, faculty, and hiring managers, to identify strategies for improving onboarding and workplace support.
CNERG: Pedestrian data collection at Conestoga's Waterloo campus
This research project leveraged innovative data collection methods to map pedestrian movement at the Waterloo campus
CNERG: Examining sustainability communication in the global cosmetic industry
This study analyzed how cosmetic brands in Canada and India communicate sustainability through product descriptions, comparing industry-leading, fast beauty, and sustainable brands.
Strengthening sustainability communication in Brantford
This research, conducted in partnership with the City of Brantford’s Sustainability Committee, examined the effectiveness of current sustainability messaging and explored new ways to enhance outreach to underserved communities.
CNERG: Exploring the impact of international, peer-led study groups on nursing student leadership skills
This study explored the use of collaborative online international learning (COIL) as a tool to strengthen leadership skills among nursing students at Conestoga.
AI-driven architectural document parsing
This study explored the potential of AI to automate architectural document reviews, aiming to reduce delays in the city approvals process and support Ontario’s goal of building 1.5 million homes over the next decade.
CNERG: Analysis and predictions of land use/land coverage changes with the CA-Markov model
This study examined historical land use and land cover changes in Guelph from 2001 to 2022 and forecasted future trends up to 2037 using the Cellular Automata-Markov model.
Evaluation of a career development community of inquiry/practice pilot project for internationally trained health care professio
This study examined the effectiveness of a community of inquiry/practice model to support career development for international students in the health care administration and service management program at Conestoga.
CNERG: Charting mastery: Developing a novel tool for evaluation of nursing students clinical learning
This research project focused on developing a valid and reliable tool to evaluate clinical learning outcomes for students in Conestoga’s B.Sc. nursing program.
CNERG: Clinical site assessment tool supporting the quality of nursing student placements
This study assessed the inter-rater reliability of the clinical site assessment tool (CSAT), a tool designed to evaluate the quality and readiness of clinical practicum environments for nursing students.