Credit Unions Affordable Housing Webinar series

Anthony Piscitelli, Conestoga Social Innovation Lab
The CCUA Credit Unions and Affordable Housing Webinar series explored the challenges facing the Canadian housing market, the role credit unions are playing to meet the needs of our members, and what innovative financial products other organizations are creating to increase housing affordability.
The initial session of the series, Financialization and Housing Supply in Canada, delved into the hurdles encountered by the housing sector in Canada, analyzing the difficulties faced by Canadians in terms of housing affordability and the current involvement of Credit Unions in the market.
The second session, Credit Union Leadership in Housing Solutions, explored the innovative approaches to affordable housing that Credit Unions are driving taking a closer look at the rent-to-own program developed by Community Savings Credit Union, the Housing programs by the VanCity Credit Union foundation, and the Housing Affordability Guaranteed Investment Certificate by Kindred Credit Union.
The final session, Innovations in Affordable Housing, discussed unique models that are making a difference outside of the credit union sector. Ourboro's shared equity model, which helps Ontarians access the housing market sooner, was explained, alongside the Home Opportunities approach, which uses existing funding streams to provide permanent affordable housing, and how the Housing Trust of Nova Scotia partnered with CMHC to launch an initiative.
We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).