Developing a case-ready design for dry sachet products

Cynthia Riddle, Conestoga Food Research & Innovation Lab
Beck’s Broth has been selling a frozen bone broth product since November 2021 and planned to transition from a liquid to a dry powder option as the business expanded. They needed support in packaging and conducting a shelf-life study for the new product. CFRIL collaborated with Beck’s Broth to develop a case-ready design for their dry sachet product and to conduct a real-time shelf-life study.
The shelf-life study included measurements of moisture content, water activity, and sensory evaluation. Samples were stored in ambient conditions, with control samples kept frozen to maintain their fresh state. Monthly evaluations were conducted, and a final report with shelf-life recommendations was prepared. Additionally, Beck’s Broth sought support for packaging, expressing interest in case-ready paperboard secondary packaging and tertiary case corrugated packaging. CFRIL provided design assistance and industry contacts to support these packaging needs.
Funding for this project was provided by the National Research Council Canada.