Shelf-life extension of frozen keto bakery products

Nicole Detlor, Renuka Waduge, and Tracy Butt, Conestoga Food Research & Innovation Lab
Sugar Daddies Bakery Inc., a keto-friendly bakery with locations in Cambridge and Hamilton, including a production facility in Cambridge, specializes in offering keto lemon and Nanaimo bars. Nationally, they distribute these products to retail stores, packaging them in frozen form within clam shells.
To enhance the longevity of their frozen lemon and Nanaimo squares, CFRIL researchers and research students embarked on a study to explore alternative packaging and processing methods. This comprehensive investigation involved a real-time frozen shelf-life study, with monthly evaluations covering aspects such as oxidation, texture, and sensory analysis.
The outcomes of these studies are expected to yield substantial benefits for Sugar Daddies. By extending the frozen shelf life of their products, the bakery aims to enhance logistics efficiencies, resulting in reduced transportation costs. Additionally, this research initiative will facilitate the expedited scaling up of production, contributing to overall operational efficiency and growth.
We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).