Navigating the space between politics and administration: The informal practices of Ontario school board trustees
Through interviews with 25 school board trustees in Ontario, this article contributes to the growing literature that explores the politics-administration dichotomy at the local government level in Canada. While existing literature is oriented from the perspective of the local government administrator, we examine the relations between local government politicians and administrators from the orientation of the former to determine how they navigate the dichotomy, particularly in a context where it is arguably more contested.
Classifying responsible investors: Identifying clusters of Ontario investors
Little empirical research has explored Canadian investors' interest in responsible investing. A variety of demographic and attitudinal characteristics can contribute to who makes ethical investments. Using a survey of 1,834 residents of Ontario, Canada three groups of investors are identified: those interested in responsible investments who actively avoid investing in some sectors, those interested in responsible investments who do not actively avoid any types of investments, and traditional investors that are not interested in responsible investing.
Stealth democracy and the school board trustee
The value of elected school board trustees has been a topic of debate. Several provinces in Canada have already eliminated them, with Manitoba currently considering abolishing them as well. Whether this is supported—or opposed—by the public is somewhat unknown. This research note reports the results of a survey of Ontario residents. We find that while two-thirds of respondents support retaining trustees, there are factors that pull people more towards favouring their elimination. Support for trustees is significantly lower for males, younger respondents, and those on the political right.
Public Expectations of School Board Trustees
School board trustees play an important role in the education of children throughout Ontario. Using an online survey of Ontario residents, expectations of school board trustees are explored in detail. The survey included an open-ended question that asked respondents what role they see being performed by trustees, as well as a question that asked respondents whether they preferred a “delegate” governing model, which believes trustees should represent constituents, or a “trustee” model, which believes trustees should render decisions based on their best judgement.