Challenges and Opportunities in Exoskeleton Adoption from Various Perspectives
A panel of experts from various fields explore the potential benefits of exoskeletons in reducing workplace injuries, improving job accessibility for people with diverse backgrounds, challenges faced by exoskeleton manufacturers and designers, and more!
Effective Conflict Management in the Workplace
This webinar addresses the need to appreciate the value of conflict, uncover its root causes, promote team unity through solution-focused discussions, and enhance your confidence in managing conflicts and cultivate a positive work environment.
Emergency Management Planning for Rural Locations and Small Towns
This webinar focuses on Emergency Management Planning for Rural Locations and Small Towns. Emily Rideout speaks on how small to medium businesses, non-profit organizations, and members of the community can plan and prepare for emergencies and disasters.
Diversity Now Part 2: Overcoming Barriers to Hiring Women in Non-Traditional Roles by Jodi Huettner
This webinar, hosted by CISWP and Jodi Huettner, discusses how to overcome the barriers to hiring women in non-traditional roles.
Diversity Now Part 1: Building Diversity into your Growing Business by Jodi Huettner
This webinar, hosted by CISWP and Jodi Huettner, discusses how to build diversity into the foundation of your growing business and why you should prioritize a diverse workforce.
Work Disability Management in the Paramedic Service Organizations: Disabilities Associated with OSI
In this webinar, a focus is given towards prevention and the management of work disability related to operational stress injuries (OSI) and other mental health and well-being conditions of workers in the paramedic service organization.
Launching the new CSA Z1011.1 Work Disability Management in the Paramedic Service Organization
In this webinar, we present requirements of the new CSA Standard work disability management (WDM) system, based on evidence-informed best practices.
Working in the Work-from-Home era: Navigating Work-Life Balance
In this webinar we will discuss the impacts that work-from-home (WFH) arrangements have on work-life balance of Canadian workers.
Working in the Work-from-Home era: Understanding its Effect on Employee Mental Health
In this webinar we will discuss the impacts that work-from-home (WFH) arrangements have on mental health and stress.
Working in the Work-from-Home era: Investigating Physical Health in the Home Office
In this webinar, speakers will lead a discussion surrounding the impacts that work-from-home (WFH) has on pain and discomfort.
Ensuring Organizational Readiness and Resilience for Future Infectious Public Health Crises
In this webinar, speakers will discuss strategies to support organizational readiness to protect and support the mental health of paramedics in future pandemics.
Experiences from the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic
This webinar presents findings from a qualitative study conducted to inform to the development of the Guideline for Addressing Operational Stress Injuries during infectious public health crises.
Introducing the Guide for paramedic service organizations to Address Operational Stress Injuries during Infectious Public Health Crises
This webinar will present the new evidence-informed guideline for paramedic service organizations to address operational stress injuries during infectious public health crises.
Organizational strategies to address mental health during Infectious Public Health Crises
In this webinar, CISWP researchers presented findings from a systematic review of the literature pertaining to the mental health of paramedics during infectious public health crises.
Working in the work-from-home era: Impacts on personal and organizational productivity and performance.
In this webinar, speakers presented the preliminary findings from a knowledge synthesis study, examining the impacts that work-from-home (WFH) arrangements have on personal and organizational performance and productivity.
Addressing Operational Stress Injuries among Canadian Paramedics
This webinar discusses strategies to address operational stress injuries (OSI) among Canadian paramedics.
Working in the Work-from-Home era: An Initial Glance at How Canadians are doing
In this webinar, we will discuss the initial key findings and their implications from a nationwide work-from-home (WFH) survey conducted by the Canadian Institute for Safety, Wellness, and Performance (CISWP).
Strategies and Tools to Estimate Physical Exposures in the Workplace
This webinar focuses on strategies and tools for estimating physical exposures in the workplace. Dr. Marcus Yung discusses various methods of exposure assessment, including direct measurement, observations and much more.
Work Disability Management System Standard (CSA Z1011:20) - Labour Perspective
This webinar is a panel discussion on the labour perspective of Work Disability Management System Standard (CSA Z1011:20).
Work Disability Management System Standard: Conversations on the Insurance Provider Perspective.
This webinar is a panel discussion on the insurance provider perspective of Work Disability Management System Standard (CSA Z1011:20).
Work Disability Management System Standard: The Role of Healthcare and Disability Management Service
This webinar is a panel discussion on the healthcare and disability management perspective of Work Disability Management System Standard (CSA Z1011:20)
Fatigue in the Workplace: Why is it Important to Measure and How?
In a competitive economy, a core business priority within many organizations is optimal system performance. Production quality, in addition to innovativeness, is an important driver of overall profitability and organizational growth.
Work Disability Management System Standard: Implications for Persons with Disabilities
In this webinar, three panelists discuss the implications of CSA Z1011 for persons with disabilities.
Work Disability Management System Standard: Conversations on Employer Perspective
In this webinar, panelists discussed employers’ perspectives about the importance of CSA Z1011 standard in disability management.
Formal Launch of Work Disability Management System Standard (CSA Z1011:20)
In this webinar, panelists discussed the importance of CSA Z1011 standard in addressing disabilities related to mental health.
Whole-Body Vibration Exposure in Work: Acute Effects, Guidelines, and Risk Mitigation Strategies.
In transportation and in construction, exposure to whole body vibration (WBV) is common in daily working life.
Work Disability Management System Standard (CSA Z1011:20): Managing Mental Health in the Workplace
Hosted by Canadian Institute for Safety, Wellness, and Performance (CISWP), this webinar formally launches the new Canadian Standard to address work disability in the workplace.
Exoskeleton Technologies in Skilled Trades
CISWP researcher, Bronson Du talks about: 'what are exoskeletons?' and the different types of exoskeletons that are commercially available; and why construction companies might want to adopt exoskeletons and the factors that should be considered when adopting them. He shares findings from a field study conducted by CISWP trying to understand construction workers' perspectives on using exoskeletons for their work and how exoskeletons impact their work discomfort and fatigue.