CNERG: Supporting internationally educated health care workers
This research examined the experiences of internationally educated nursing and personal support worker students at Conestoga College, as well as insights from industry stakeholders, faculty, and hiring managers, to identify strategies for improving onboarding and workplace support.
CNERG: Pedestrian data collection at Conestoga's Waterloo campus
This research project leveraged innovative data collection methods to map pedestrian movement at the Waterloo campus
CNERG: Solar water heater feasibility study for under privileged towns and villages
In many underprivileged villages and towns with no potable water networks, households rely on rooftop water tanks and must use costly electricity to heat water for domestic use. These communities, often abundant in sunshine with minimal cloud cover, represent an untapped opportunity for solar energy utilization. This project explores the affordability and practicality of solar-powered water heating for small residential homes in such areas.
CNERG: Comprehensive get to know communication model for the new international college students in Canada
Navigating life in Canada as a new international student comes with a range of challenges. Recognizing that current resources often lack cohesion, this project investigates the communication dissemination strategies and tactics that reaches international students upon their arrival.
CNERG: Exchange rate effects and the Canadian food and beverage sector
The Canadian food and beverage manufacturing sector is becoming increasingly reliant on exports. This project aims to analyze how changes in the Canada-U.S. exchange rate affect net exports across different industry segments, providing valuable insights to businesses navigating currency fluctuations.
CNERG: Gently nurturing hardiness in young children: A framework for parents and educators
This CNERG project explored resilience, focusing on how individuals 'bounce back' from adversity and challenge.
CNERG: Study of temperature in and around septic systems for feasibility as heat pump heat source
This project investigated the thermodynamic feasibility of installing ground-source heat pump heat exchangers alongside or inside septic systems to leverage higher soil temperatures during the heating season.
CNERG: Photovoice: exploring the mental well-being of racialized immigrant youth in Toronto
This project, in collaboration with the Toronto Film Forum, a cultural hub for the Bangladeshi-Canadian community in the Greater Toronto Area, aimed to advance understanding of the socio-cultural factors affecting the mental health of young Bangladeshi-Canadian men.
CNERG: A playbook for marketing professionals to implement a multi-stakeholder CRM campaign in India
Through digital content analysis, the project explored cause-related marketing (CRM) networks in Asia/India, analyzed popular CRM campaigns among the top N100 companies in India, and identified emergent themes and tactics.
CNERG: Applying Agile methods to health information management workflows to improve productivity
Conestoga partnered with Halton Health’s information management department. This four-month project used student-led projects to build Agile capabilities in the health information management department at Halton Health.